An ocean of unencumbered rest awaits you in our open-concept isolation tank. With no roof, you can stretch out and explore an alternate conscious without a pod ceiling to slow you down. No fear of the dark. No claustrophobic feelings. This alternative float experience is very relaxing and gives you a profound sense of safety.
What’s Special About No Ceiling?
Client’s who are on the autism spectrum, patrons who experience PTSD — even first-time floaters love this spacious floatation pod because of the freeing, sea-like feeling it gives them. The Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique (REST) that floaters enjoy in the Open Float Around Pool is perfect for those who just want to get their feet wet in floating too. In fact, it’s this specialized "Floataround" pool that Dr. Justin Feinstein, Director, of LIBR Float Clinic & Research Center favors. It truly is the newest way to feel safe and still find a path to a deep meditative state.
Coupled Consciousness
Couple floating is a fun and freeing way to spend time together and explore a relationship in a safe, secure way. Many of the reported benefits of floating including an extraordinary state of relaxation, changes in body perception, and an increased awareness of subconscious processes can all be enhanced by when experienced by two people together.