Summer Savings
Includes 3 floats with flexible durations to match your schedule. Choose between 30, 60 and 90 minute sessions at one low price.
This is a throw back to our very first promotion at relax lab. Our 3 float pack is designed to support new floaters into the practice as it was originally intended. We found that floating 3 times is ideal for new floaters for multiple reasons.
1) We have 3 different tanks! Try floating in each one to see which experience resonates with you! Some folks love the space of the open floataround. Others find the coziness of the Revolution Orb secure and comforting.
2) First floats are weird. Sometimes new clients can struggle finding a comfortable mindset in the tank. Some report profound experiences in their first hour. The feeling of weightlessness combined with the new environment be distracting. It often takes time to settle in and get comfortable, making the first float a unique and memorable experience. This is why we recommend that people try floating 3 times before deciding if floating is the therapy for them. The second float feels much more familiar and comfortable. It is a better opportunity for focusing your intensions inward and finding the path to the deepest rest. The third float is where things start becoming a practice and the tank feels more like getting into a warm bed than an alien space ship. This is where we find many people catch their stride and find their favorite tank.
3) The benefits of floating are cumulative. The more often you float, the longer the benefits last. Floating weekly for a period of 6 weeks can have noticeable benefits lasting a month after stepping away from the tank. So we suggest doing a quick burst of 3 floats to see how you can truly benefit from the therapy.
Floating can be a safe place to decompress and allow meaningful personal discovery to occur. In addition to these benefits, habitual floating allows people to develop a type of “body memory” that promotes energy and a state of well-being you can take into your daily life.
Everyone can float and benefit from the therapeutic results. You don’t need any practice, knowledge or special discipline either. The float does all the work for you. It is especially beneficial for those who live with:
Acute Anxiety and Depression
Chronic Pain
Or who may have need for:
Workout Recovery
Creative Support
Expires within 90 days of purchase.
If this certificate is bought as a gift, you can forward the confirmation email, save code or print certificate.